The Covigliaio Oasis extends on a quite large area which includes the territory between the Futa and the Raticosa passes; especially the middle part of the Oasis includes the areas surrounding the Sasso di Castro, Monte Rosso, Monte Freddi and Monte Beni mountains, which all are approximately 1300 meters high. The entire area has an important naturalistic interest, both for its flora and for its fauna.

The Oasis is perfect for excursions as it has some paths, with varying difficulties, but all perfectly marked. The most famous destinations, and maybe the most fascinating ones, even if they aren't really tiring, are the hiking on the two mountains: Monte Beni and Sasso di Castro.
Hiking on Monte Beni: If you start from the parking area in front of the grocery store at km 51.400, continue long the "statale" road for approximately a hundred meters until you reach a 90° bend; then take the dirt road going straight which, after touching Casa Patisci, leads to a house in which there is a broadcasting centre; from there on your right there is the beginning of the road that, in a short time, leads to Monte Beni peak (1h15 - 1h45).
Hiking on Sasso di Castro: Starting from the "Faggiotto" (at the beginning of the village at km 50) take the little road upstream; when you arrive at the end of the climb, turn left and take the path that flanks the Sasso di Castro (a very beautiful view of the valley from the Futa Pass to beyond Firenzuola). When the path returns in the wood, on the right, there is the start of the climb that leads to the cross on the peak of the mountain (1h - 1h30).

Other trials of a particular interest:
Love Fountain: You have to follow the same trial of the hiking on Sasso di Castro, but instead of turning right to the Sasso di Castro, go on straight and after a few hundred of meters you arrive to a big lawn where the love fountain is located Monte Beni and Monte Freddi route: Starting from the "Mazzetta" (at half way from Covigliaio to Pietramala) take the path which, by climbing, leads to Poggio Turchino.
From Poggio Turchino climb on Monte Freddi; from there descend towards the "Pianore" to come back, by flanking Monte Beni, to the "Mazzetta" (approximately 3h - 3h30).
Surrounding Covigliaio: Covigliaio mountain excursion starting from the Church (km 51) and coming back to the suburb at the opposite end. From the Church climb until the pinewood; then go on to the "Fonte ai Prati" to reach the "Pianore"; from there descend again to Covigliaio (1h30 - 2h).
The Oasis is inserted in some broader trails:
From the Futa Pass to "Ca' di Barba" (MONTE FREDDI Agritourism Centre). From the Futa Pass, taking the road to Bruscoli almost in front of the German War Cemetery, there is the beginning of the path which, passing through "Il Passeggere" locality, flanking the Western slopes of Sasso di Castro and Monte Rosso, through the Savena wood, reaches the "Colle di Covigliaio". From there, by turning right, you come back to Covigliaio. Instead, if you go on, you flank the Monte Freddi and reach "Ca' di Barba" (5.h - 5h30).